Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Okay, now it’s time to get real and answer honestly the following key questions...
Do you feel that your current diet gives you all the energy you need to make it through the day ?
Do you always feel strong and motivated during your workouts ?
Do you rarely feel overtrained ?
Are you happy with your current level of muscle growth ?
If you answered yes to all these questions, congratulations you are either an amazing specimen of physical perfection....or an excellent liar!
Truth be told, most of us are never truly happy with our level of performance all the time. There are always days when we feel a little ‘out of it’ or phases when muscle growth is as slow as a tortoise on Valium.
So, is there a way to kick things up a notch? There sure is, and all it takes is a little more understanding of how your unique metabolism functions. So let’s start with a closer look at :
Each one of us is unique in the way we process nutrients - even supplements ‘kick-in’ faster in some people. This is why there is not one universal weight loss system that works for everyone who tries it - with the exception of the basic eat less and exercise more (although even that has a sticking point after a period of time).
By understanding how your body processes nutrients you can make significant improvements not only to your exercise performance but to your general sense of well-being.
There are generally three metabolic turnover types :
But, how do you know which category you fall under? Well, there has been much written under the subject and many labels given to the individual categories and body types. Most demand that you answer detailed questionnaires and, due to the fact that most people second guess their answers (or fail to tell the real truth) they can give false results. The simplest test to determine your metabolic turnover rate is the Niacin Test. All you do is take 50mg of Niacin (vitamin B3). If you get an immediate ‘flushing sensation’ you are most likely in possession of a Rapid Metabolic Turnover rate. A moderate rate of flushing means you have an Even Metabolic Turnover Rate. If your flush reaction is significantly delayed or fails to arrive at all then you can pretty much call yourself the owner of a Slow Metabolic Turnover.
You can also get a fair idea of these rates by using the latest fat burners and energy products and determining how long it takes them to 'kick-in'. Your reaction to caffeine is another marker on your metabolic turnover. If it makes you nauseous or shaky then you are more than likely in possession of a Rapid Metabolic Turnover rate. If it has little real effect then you probably have an Even Metabolic Turnover, and if it makes you feel totally focused and great then your Metabolic Turnover is probably Slow. Finally, your digestive system is also a good guide to your Turnover Type.
If you tend to suffer from frequent constipation you fall under the Slow category. No stomach problems? Then you have an Even Turnover. Whereas if you frequently suffer from Diarrhea then you probably have a Rapid Turnover Rate.
So, now you have identified your own unique Metabolic Turnover Rate, the time has come to give yourself a :
As we have discussed, there are generally three different types when it comes to the issue of nutrient metabolism and each type holds a unique response to food and supplements when administered during the course of a day. There are also specific foods which should be limited or avoided by certain metabolic types and specific foods which should be included in order to achieve smooth running of the physical machine. Let’s begin by focusing on the needs of the athlete with the:
Due to the fact that Slow Turnover types utilize the nutrients in their food slowly, the release of glucose from carbohydrate foods into the bloodstream is delayed. This slows down the whole process of energy production. Now you would think that the solution in this case would be to reduce total carbohydrate content....wrong! The opposite is in fact the case. Those individuals in possession of slow turnover metabolisms should actually consume a diet higher in carbs, since protein and fat slow down the rate of nutrient absorption and therefore reduce energy production even further. An ideal ratio in this case would be 60% percent carbs, 25% protein and 15% fat.
However, it doesn’t stop there! There are also specific types of proteins, fats and carbs you should base your diet around and ones which you are advised to limit.
For example, proteins should be primarily lean meats, fish, low fat dairy products and egg whites. Carbohydrates should be primarily complex and fats are best sourced from nuts, seeds (raw and unsalted) vegetable and nut oils (e.g. almond, flaxseed. coconut, olive and sunflower).
If you have an even metabolic turnover you are probably one of the lucky ones!
This is due to the fact that your dietary needs are probably one of the easiest to follow.
Your diet should consist of 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. Protein sources are less restricted on this diet and you can pretty much consume whatever takes your fancy. Carbohydrates should be primarily complex (no refined sugars, processed grains or soda) with more emphasis on fruits and vegetables. Grains such as brown rice, couscous, oats, spelt, barley, rye and corn should be eaten in moderation. Fats should come from natural oils and fats and do not need to be as restricted as those for the slow metabolic turnover types. It is still recommended to focus your fat intake on nut and seed oils but small amounts of butter and cream can be added on this diet- just make sure you stay in the 30% range. For those individuals with an even metabolic turnover it is also advisable to ensure that all meals contain the specified nutrient ratios (i.e. 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat) and that meals made up of just one micronutrient are avoided. Overcooked animal products and foods high on the glycemic index should also be avoided.
If you are in possession of a Fast Metabolic Turnover your diet needs to be focused on higher levels of protein and fat with less emphasis on carbohydrates. Every meal should have a protein content and the ideal nutrient ratio to strive for is 20 %carbs, 50% protein and 30% fat.
This doesn’t mean that you can consume proteins of all types with little regard to their source. However, the interesting thing for ‘Fast’ types is that they actually need fattier proteins since they help to slow down the metabolic turnover rate to make for more even absorption of nutrients. This doesn’t mean they can reject chicken and fish completely though, just that they should focus more of their attention on fatty fish, beef, dark meat chicken, dark meat turkey, eggs and cheese.
Carbohydrates to avoid are simple carbs since they convert quickly to sugar in the bloodstream. Complex carbs are best and should come from low starch vegetables (e.g. asparagus, spinach, cauliflower) limited fruits, sprouted grain bread (such as Ezekiel bread found in most health stores) and legumes.
Fats should come primarily from nuts and seeds, butter, cream, flaxseed oil,walnut oil, almond oil and coconut oil.
The main thing to remember for Fast Turnover types is to avoid eating a meal which is composed mainly of carbohydrates and make sure that the carbs you do take in are low on the glycemic index. Caffeine should also be restricted since it causes your adrenal glands to release adrenaline into your blood stream way too quickly. This in turn gives you a quick boost but, once the caffeine leaves your system, your poor adrenal glands are worn out from all the extra activity and you are left feeling weak and tired. Caffeine also kicks up your metabolic turnover rate which is what you don’t need!
So there you have it, a quick look at Metabolic Turnover Rates and how you can adjust your macro nutrient levels in order to maximize your energy both in and out of the gym. If, after reading all this you are still not quite sure what category you fall under then I urge you to experiment with each one for a period of a few weeks and see how you feel. When you find the ratio that is compatible with your unique metabolism you will be amazed at the results.
Remember, it is not HOW MUCH protein, fat or carbohydrate you eat on a daily basis that determines how you feel and how you perform in the gym...it is how your body PROCESSES each
nutrient. I know, you've heard it all before...so isn't it time you actually did something about it? Be warned though....it might just change your life!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
anabolic steroids basics
Anabolic Steroids are derivatives of the male hormone testosterone and, as such, they exert their effects on many testosterone sensitive tissues within the body. This includes reproductive tissues, muscle, bone, hair follicles, liver, kidneys, white and red blood cells and brain. These effects fall under two classifications:
ANABOLIC – Promoting muscle growth
ANDROGENIC – Promoting the development of masculine characteristics
Of primary interest to the athlete of course is the anabolic effect. Testosterone is the primary hormone involved in muscle growth. Put simply, testosterone enters the inside of the muscle cell where it binds with an androgen receptor. It then continues its journey until it reaches the nucleus of the cell. On arrival at this destination the ‘dynamic duo’ turn on or off specific segments within the DNA in order to trigger muscle growth.
In addition to triggering muscle growth, anabolic steroids also prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism) by inhibiting the action of cortisol and other glucocorticoids, which are known for their catabolic effect.
In order to exert maximum effects in the body anabolic steroids need to be chemically altered. When testosterone itself is taken orally it is swiftly broken down and eliminated by enzymes present in the intestines and the liver. In the case of steroids, a process known as 17a-alkylation has structurally altered most oral products, this protects the steroid from being destroyed by these enzymes. This 17a-alkylation, whilst good on paper, does unfortunately result in most oral drugs being harsh on the liver. It also causes negative changes in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). The advice here would be to ensure that, whilst taking oral steroids, it is wise to include some form of liver protection e.g. milk thistle, dandelion, NAC, Gluthionine.
Oral anabolics are often preferred by drug-tested athletes due to their short clearing time (i.e. the amount of time they are detectable in the system).
In the case of injectable steroids, these are naturally produced androgens (testosterone, nortestosterone, boldenone) bound to a fatty acid by an ester bond at the 17-carbon. This serves, not to protect the substance against enzymes (like the 17a-alkylation) but to increase the amount of time the steroid remains in an oil globule, following injection, before it enters the circulation.
On entering the bloodstream, the fatty acid is split off by enzymes called esterazes. In the case of a long fatty acid this results in a slow release of the steroid over a course of days or weeks.
Many of you will already be familiar with a process known as ‘aromatization’. This is a process by which testosterone is converted into estrogen. Most bodybuilders try to avoid estrogen conversion by taking anti-estrogen drugs such as Arimadex. Arimadex exerts its effect by neutralizing the aromatase enzyme. When you take aromatase out of the equation testosterone can no longer be converted to estrogen. This assists in the reduction of estrogen dependent fat deposition, water retention and gynecomastia (the growth of breast tissue in males)
However, before you go crazy with aromatase inhibitors and anti-estrogens (e.g. Nolvadex) do remember that too little estrogen can slow muscle growth, suppress HDL (good) cholesterol and kill sex drive. Therefore, the key to using these substances is to take them in moderation so that you blunt estrogens effects without removing it completely from your system.
The undisputed fact of the matter is that anabolic steroids are immensely popular with not only professional and recreational athletes, but also those individuals just wishing to improve their performance and overall quality of life. Knowing how they work, how to safely use them and how to protect your health during and after use is vital not only to your success but also to your overall health.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
PROFILE: EQUIPOISE (boldenone undecylenate)
Equipoise is a derivative of testosterone, which exhibits strong anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. In common with all steroids, Equipoise increases red blood cell production, which in turn leads to increases in stamina due to an improvement in oxygen uptake. It is also known to increase vascularity, which makes it a favorite when it comes to contest preparation. However, the downside of its use in pre-contest situations is that it does tend to produce an increased appetite in a high percentage of users.
The good news is that Equipoise produces very little in the way of estrogen related side effects. In fact its actual rate of estrogen conversion is half that of the various testosterones. Of course some sensitive individuals may still experience estrogenic effects (or those using extremely high doses). In this case the addition of Nolvadex should be considered – with Arimadex being a stronger option.
Although it is not known as a rapid mass builder, Equipoise will produce slow but steady gains in strength and quality muscle. Due to this slow and steady result pattern, Equipoise is most commonly used for longer cycles of at least ten weeks. This would ensure solid muscle gains with very low water retention. Gains with Equipoise are also easily maintained following use since size increases are not due to water weight.
Equipoise is an extremely versatile drug and, as such, combines very well with other steroids. An example of a great mass building stack would be 300-400mg/week of Equipoise with 500mg of Sustanon or Testosterone Enthanate. For mass building purposes it can also be effectively stacked with Anadrol. This would result in significant gains in strength and mass without the additional side effects that would result from using the androgen alone.
In terms of its use as part of a steroids cutting cycle, Equipoise combines very well with non-aromatizable steroids such as Trenbolone acetate or Winstrol. However, even the extremely low aromatization rate of these substances may be enough to confine usage to bulking cycles only.
As a side note, those who usually favor Deca Durabolin may want to give Equipoise a try since for most people it proves to be stronger as well as safer and less suppressive. I say ‘most people” because there are always going to be individuals who, due to their unique chemistry, may have a different experience with its use.
Side effects from the use of Equipoise are pretty low when it is taken in normal (300-400mg/week) dosages and estrogenic side effects only occur in those who are very susceptible to estrogen. In terms of androgenic side effects, long term or high dose use can result in slight virilizing effects including acne and increased body hair growth. Also worth noting is that Equipoise is not the ideal choice for the drug tested athlete since it has the tendency to produce detectable metabolites in the urine months after use.
The use of 300-400mg/week is normally recommended when it comes to Equipoise use. There have been reports of users ‘front-loading’ it to achieve greater results. This would involve the use of high doses of 600-800mg/week for two weeks and then lowering the dose to 300-400mg/week for the remaining 8-10 weeks.
Women usually find this drug to be fairly safe in terms of virilizing effects as long as dosages are kept at 50-150mg/week.
Testosterone Cypionate steroids dosage, usage ,info
Testosterone cypionate is the most popular and most used testosterone.
testosterone Cypionate, like testosterone enatanthe, is an oil-dissolved inject-able form of testosterone with strong androgenic and anabolic ef-fects. It
aromatizes quite easily which means that the conversion rate to
estrogen, similar to testosterone enanthate´s, is relatively high. Several athletes
are of the opinion that Testosterone cypionate stores more water in the body than
testosterone enantathe does. The muscle buildup during the applica-tion along with
the inevitable loss of strength and muscle mass af-ter discontinuing
use of one product, are the same with the other. Testosterone cypionate can be combined with many steroids and thus making it an excellent mass steroid. As with testosterone enanthate the dosage range is 250-1000 mg/week
although several athletes inject megadoses (see Testosterone enanthate).
Almost everything written in this book about Testosterone enanthate can
be applied to testosterone cypionate. In our opinion most athletes will not notice a
difference between the two compounds. Testosterone cypionate is one of the drugs which is most frequently faked.
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Winstrol (stanozolol) video dosage usage info
Winstrol (stanozolol) Depot is clearly defined in bodybuilding: preparation for a competi-tion. Together with a calorie-reduced diet which is rich in protein Winstrol Depot gives the muscles a continuously harder appear-ance. Winstrol Depot is usually not used as the only steroid during dieting since, based on its low androgenic component, it does not reliably protect the athlete from losing muscle tissue. The missing, pronounced androgenic effect is often balanced by a combined in-take with Testosterone Propionate
also recomended for stacking Steroids with cutiing cycles is the use of
Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)
L-Thyroxine (t-4)
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Monday, October 5, 2009
advanced steroids mass cycle from steroid-club.com
advanced steroids mass cycle may give gains of up to 25 pounds in 6 weeks
the cycle includes
Anadrol 50mg 100 tablets
Testosterone Cypionate 10ml 200mg
Testosterone Enanthate 10ml 250mg
Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) 10ml 300mg/ml
Tamoxifen ( Nolvadex ) (10 mg/60 tab))
Proviron 50 tablets
this also includes a post steroids cycle in order to return the natural testosterone levels back to your body it is used 2 amps a week for 3 weeks
6X H.G.C 5000UI 1ml
this video and cycle is brought to you from pro bodybuilders at http://steroid-club.com
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Human Growth Hormone somatropin hgh
DynaTrope 10IU HGH Human Growth Hormone (HGH) (somatotropin) is produced in the body by the pituitary gland. Before this happens, Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (HGHRH) and Somatostatin (SST) are released by the hypothalamus, and that determines whether more or less HGH is produced by the pituitary.(1) Many factors influence the release of HGH, however, including nutrition and exercise (6)(7). Once it is released, Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is also called Somatotropin (STH) has many functions in the human body. HGH is a protein that stimulates the body cells to increase both in size, as well as undergo more rapid cell division than usual. In addition, it enhances the movement of amino acids through cell membranes and also increases the rate at which these cells convert these molecules into proteins. Clearly, you can see that this would amount to an anabolic (muscle building) effect in the human body. HGH also has the ability to cause cells to decrease the normal rate at which they utilize carbohydrates, and simultaneously increase the rate at which they use fats.(1) Fat loss and lean mass increases with HGH have been found at a dose as low as . 0.028 iu/kg/daily for 24 weeks (4), however, in my estimation, that would be insufficient for a bodybuilder trying to gain muscle. Let´s use .028iu/kg as a working number; that´s 2.8iu for a 100kg (220lbs) bodybuilder. That´s certainly not unreasonable, and I would say that that dose to 2x that dose is the range most bodybuilders and athletes are finding their best results with. Also, that length of time used in the study I just mentioned (24 weeks) is very typical of HGH use, and in conversations with my friends who have used this compound, have told me that they experience consistent results starting well after the 2-month-mark, and they tend to either run this stuff for 6 months at a time, or year-round (if they have sufficient funds). One of my friends is able to consistently retain a shredded 6-7% body fat all year round with the assistance of HGH, whether he is on steroids or off. He also has noted that his cardio (fast walking, for an hour a day) was much easier while on HGH than when off, and certainly the research I´ve done would support his claim that sub maximal aerobic ability is improved with HGH use (5) (15). How anabolic is this stuff? Well, even endurance athletes at rest (!) were observed in one study to be in an anabolic state (8). Yeah, so you can basically run marathons and take this stuff, and still build some muscle. Pretty impressive, right? Growth Hormone is usually secreted in rhythmic pulses while you are sleeping, as two peptides, HGHRH and Somatostatin (SST) are alternately released. As you can guess, HGHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) is the one responsible for the Release of Growth Hormone (And who said scientists have funny ways for naming things.(1) Growth hormone also has the ability to stimulate the production (or reproduction, in the case of an injury) of cartilage. This, however, requires the presence of a mediator substance, Somatomedin (IGF), which is released from the liver in response to HGH, and the IGF, in turn, actually promotes the growth of cartilage.(1) Although it requires IGF to actually grow new cartilage, HGH is directly able to stimulate the elongation of bone tissue.(1), and HGH has also been shown to elicit a positive effects on erythropoeisis (9), which is great for both anabolism as well as endurance. Remember the negative feedback loop I always tell you about? Well, of course, your body has one which can stop the secretion of HGH, and it involves IGF. When your liver receives secretes IGF-1, it sends a message to both your Hypothalamus as well as your Pituitary to stop producing HGH. (1) As you have probably guessed by now, your body produces the majority of it´s HGH during your early years, when you are experiencing growth spurts. As you get older, however, you just produce less of this stuff, and its effects are much less pronounced. This was the driving force behind the (always weird) life-extension crowd embracing HGH in the early 90´s. And, as usual, the driving force behind the athletic world embracing HGH was Dan Duchaine, which I´m sure comes as no surprise to many. He first wrote a teaser about it in his Underground Steroid Handbook, and then wrote extensively about it for the next couple of decades. At that time, Grorm, was being used. This nasty stuff was HGH extracted from (are you ready?): the pituitary of dead bodies? That´s real "Dawn of the Dead" style science, in my opinion. I guess it´s an advance from a couple of centuries ago, when Descartes (the "I think therefore I am" guy) declared the pituitary the part of the human body where the soul resides. Anyway, back to the cadaver-thing, the HGH extracted from the cadavers was found to be able to (in rare cases) carry a rare brain disease. This of course, infected the kids who received the infected HGH. The use of HGH from cadavers was subsequently discontinued. Back then (the 80´s) there was also a fake version of some purple looking HGH going around (it was HCG I believe, mixed with B-12) called "Rhesus Monkey Growth Hormone", which is pretty funny, looking back on it. To this day, however, if you get fake HGH, it´s still probably HCG, since both come presented as a powder and bacterioistatic water you need to use to reconstitute it (and then it needs to be refrigerated). Even if you are using the non-cadaver-derived stuff (and at this point, I´m 100% sure that there´s none of the old Grorm left on shelves anywhere), it´s possible that you experience some side effects like carpal tunnel syndrome, acromegaly (a thickening or growth of bones, most noticeable in the feet, hands, and forehead), and enlarged organs. Gynocomastia is also possible as a side effect of HGH use, as well as Fluid retention (16) (the later being initially pointed out to me by a female colleague who had a pre-contest bodybuilder using HGH as part of his contest prep). Now for some really interesting stuff: Although HGH can easily produce very nice, high quality weight and muscle gains, it´s a very poor compound for inducing strength gains(2)(3)(4). That´s very counterintuitive, and certainly many strength athletes have experienced great results in strength as well as muscle size and fat loss from HGH. Generally, many studies have focused on HGH vs. HGH and exercise, and without the exercise LBM increases but not usually maximum voluntary strength output. It should also be noted that most athletes utilizing HGH are using it in a "cocktail" with (at least) anabolic steroids, and usually with IGF, thyroid meds, and other goodies such as an Aromatase Inhibitor. Let´s discuss exactly why this is. Most people who are taking the plunge into HGH use have reached a dead end with their use of anabolics, and need to push through that wall. I´m sure you´ve heard about the synergistic combination of using HGH along with Anabolic Steroids, IGF, insulin and T4 (* usually synthroid, a thyroid medication). The reason is that when these hormones are used correctly together, they´ll produce a large amount of synergy, the insulin is able to shuttle nutrients into your muscle, the thyroid hormone increases your fat-burning capability, the IGF will cause muscle growth as well as helping to grow new cartilage (thus preventing injury), and the anabolic steroids like testosterone, specifically (in addition to being anabolic) can increase IGF-1, in muscle tissue(11), and maybe even increase your body´s ability to use it. Also, usually, an increased amount of IGF usually tells your body to stop producing HGH, but testosterone actually blunts this part of the Negative FeedBack Loop (12)! And the addition of an Aromatase Inhibitor will also stop conversion of testosterone into estrogen; estrogen reduces IGF levels.(13)(14) Finally, the HGH does, well everything I just spent the last few pages telling you about! Thus, IGF, Testosterone (and of course other steroids), Insulin, thyroid meds, and HGH will all combine to produce a pretty damned effective fat-burning and muscle building cycle! You know what else? HGH is virtually undetectable on any sort of currently used drug-screening tests. HGH, Insulin, Thyroid meds, and IGF may also be used pretty safely by those who may be subject to drug screening tests, or as a non-HPTA suppressive "bridge" between cycles. Finally, I´ll tell you how I´d take HGH, personally. There was a study done on continuous HGH use vs. every other day injections (ED vs. EOD for the sake of brevity), with a equal total weekly dose. Although it´s counterintuitive, every other day injections produced better total growth in the kids in this (2 and 4 year long) study. Take a look at these graphs: Growth velocity of children treated with alternate day HGH (the darker bars) or with a daily HGH regimen before, during, and 2 yr after stopping therapy. Values are the mean ± SD. *,HGH ( the darker bars) or with a daily HGH regimen. Values are the mean HGH every other day more accurately replicates the pulsile frequency of HGH, and thus gave better results for growth (height) deficient children, HGH pulsatility is necessary for proper function of the HGH receptor.(10) Dosing in the EOD nature reduces incidence of any sort of withdrawal problems associated with normal HGH use, including regression or retardation of growth after cessation of therapy. Therefore, I feel very comfortable speculating that the use of HGH in this manner, which more closely simulates the natural secretion pattern of it, allows the HGH receptors and the rest of the body to more efficiently recover from it, and this will result in much more muscle growth over time (although height was examined in the previous study). My recommendations therefore are 2 shots per day of .028iu/kg of bodyweight, taken every other day, for a minimum of 3months, and preferably for 2-3x that long, and preferably with the other synergistic compounds we´ve just taken a look at.
Friday, October 2, 2009
injecting steroids is a simple task but if done wrong may be very painful
here is an easy step buy step guide to injecting testosterone or any other juice you like
stand facing a wall with your toes just barley touching the wall then
pull back the leg with out bending your knees on the side you want to
inject so its just a millimeter off the ground
this is done so that you cant tense the muscle and the needle slides
then pull down your pants up to the part before they slide down so
basically half of your bottom is still covered
the injection is supposed to go in the general direction of head to
i suggest practice this a few times with the empty SYRINGES.
hold the SYRINGES like a ball point pen your thumb on top and all
other fingers hugging the SYRINGES
and with a swift motion hit the spot so you get the feel of it and yes
(against the wall pants down one leg back) doing this a few times will
take away the first time Anxiety
next step push down with your thumb in a slow and steady motion down
to the last drop
removing the syringe / needle - pull back in the same direction you
went in
there may be a few drops of blood have some sterile wipes or toilet
paper just wipe off and push genitally against the injected area
some people recommend after injecting into the muscle to pull the
syringe back a bit to see if you hit a blood vessel but to be honest
we at www.steroid-club.com don't do it , its not really necessary
dispose of the syringe and needle never ever use more then once the
same set you will easily cause your self contamination
the safest place to inject is in the butt (biggest muscle in the body) NOT ARMS NOT CHEST for more advanced when doing large quantities of Injectable steroids you can do shoulders and
you may mix in the same syringe a few different kinds of oil based
testosterone and can hit even 3CC in the same spot
every week rotate cheek's left and right and try not to hit the exact
same spot cause it may cause scar tissue
you are now ready to join the CLUB www.steroid-club.com
here is a list of Injectable anabolic steroids you can buy
BOLDENONE 50mg 10ml
Boldenone Undecylenate 10ml 200 mg/ml
Dynabol 45 mg/10 ml
Methabol 25 mg.
Nandrabolin 45 mg 10 m
Nandrolone Decanoate(Deca) 10ml 300mg/ml
Primogen 100mg (Primabolan) 10ml
Sustagen 300mg (sustanon) 10ml
Testosteron Suspension 20ml
Testosterone Cypionate 10ml 100mg
Testosterone Enanthate 10ml 250mg
Testosterone Propionate 10ml 100mg
Trenbolone Acetate 10ml 125 mg/ml
Primbolan Depot 100 mg/1ml(10p)
Trenbolone Enanthate 10ml 250 mg
Winstrol 50mg 20ml
human growth hormone DynaTrope 10IU HGH injected in abs
CLENBUTEROL (Clenbuterol Hydrochloride)
CLENBUTEROL (Clenbuterol Hydrochloride)
Clenbuterol belongs to a class of drugs known as sympathomimetics. These drugs affect the sympathetic nervous system in numerous ways. It is specifically a selective beta-2 sympathomimetic, stimulating the beta-2 receptors, which creates a thermogenic effect, directly stimulating fat cells and accelerating the breakdown of triglycerides to form free fatty acids. Animal studies have also shown it to be quite anti-catabolic and/or anabolic which obviously leads to its attractiveness amongst bodybuilders – particularly during the pre-contest phase. However, it has to be said that these studies have been restricted to animals and there is little real evidence of Clenbuterol having muscle building/sparing properties in humans. This does little to tarnish its reputation as a great adjunct anabolic – used both off-season and pre-contest.
Another attractive quality of this drug is its extremely long half-life in the body – which gives it an active life of approximately 34-36 hours. This makes it easy to maintain steady blood levels with a single or twice daily dosing schedule. Interestingly enough, Clenbuterol has never been approved for use in the USA (perhaps the drug companies would not find it profitable enough). This does little to affect its availability on the black market however, with many foreign preparations being readily available.
Clenbuterol is generally a drug where you have to gradually assess your own individual tolerance level. Basically, it is advisable to start with 20mcgs upon rising. If the side effects (possible anxiety, shaking and sweating) are not too pronounced, then the same dose can be repeated later in the day. Men generally end up in the range of 2-8 tablets a day. Women usually find 2-4 to be very effective.
As previously suggested, Clenbuterol does have a fair amount of side effects – most of which will be familiar to anyone who has used CNS stimulants. Along with a slight increase in body temperature (due to the thermogenic effect) users may experience shaky hands, insomnia, sweating, increased blood pressure and nausea. These side effects usually become less noticeable once the user becomes accustomed to the drug. They are also dose dependant – which is why it is always advised to begin on a low dose in order to gauge your tolerance level.
One of the main drawbacks with this drug is that after a couple of weeks it seems to stop working for most people. This is due to the fact that it can cause a down regulation of the beta-receptors in the pulmonary, cardiac and Central Nervous System. One way to sense this down regulation is when you no longer feel an elevation in body temperature following administration. This suggests that the substance is no longer exhibiting a thermogenic effect. At this point increasing the dosage would not be very effective and a break of at least two weeks should be taken before it is used again. This accounts for the popular two weeks on/two weeks off method of administration. There is however much controversy in this area. Some say it can promote fat loss for approximately 4-6 weeks, though any strength gains can usually only be felt for 3-4 weeks (probably due more to the stimulant properties rather than any real anabolic effect).
The use of anti-histamines such as Benadryl or Ketotifen every 3rd or 4th week may help prevent this tolerance to some extent – although they should be taken at bedtime since they will cause drowsiness.
It has also been found that Clenbuterol depletes the body of the amino acid Taurine, so you may want to supplement with this during a cycle of Clen.
However you decide to incorporate this substance into your program, you must always start low and never go above 8 tablets a day (with a complete maximum being 200mcgs). Monitor your blood pressure and keep it at (or below) 140/90. If it goes above that, or if side effects become intolerable use your common sense and decrease the dose.
Many competitive athletes find that the fat burning effects of Clenbuterol can be enhanced by combining it with thyroid hormones (particularly Cytomel). The thermogenic effect in this instance can be very powerful. When combined these cutting agents can even counter the fat storing effects of strong aromatizing androgens. A Clenbuterol/thyroid mix is also common when using growth hormone, as it seems to increase the thermogenic and anabolic effect significantly.